Monday, October 11, 2010

Memory of a Place

Although not a very significant place, a place that shows up in almost every one of my realistic dreams is my grandmother's old house. I'll start someplace else, but it always turns into her old house. I don't have a picture of the full place, I probably have one of me or my sisters there. I remember it being a small house with a big, dark basement. There was an added room in the back where I would sometimes sleep when visiting, and there was a backyard where everyone used to play. Many good and terrible things happened in that place. A photo of it would most definitely show the huge Evergreen tree outside of it, and the front door that looked like a side door. This would be true in both the past and the present. In the past it would probably look like a big house with an extremely long driveway. Today it would look like a house that I barely know anymore. I would definitely be standing in that driveway looking towards the big backyard where the garage is. The only other thing that I can see is the huge white dog that used to constantly bark in the backyard next door where there used to live a 'witch'. We used to pretend like when the dog died, she disappeared. I would almost always envision the place in the daytime with the tan bricks and the white siding. A red car would sometimes be in the driveway. The rest of the block would be completely empty with no associating sounds except for the dog barks and a chirping bird. Now, thoughts of the bird reminds me of that stone zig zag path....

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